Rosine Nimeh-Mailloux
Those of you who have read the novel and have questions about the content, the character or the message, feel free to post your questions and I would be glad to answer them. I look forward to hearing your views and reactions to my novel.

Rosine Nimeh-Mailloux

6/30/2012 03:18:59 am

Dear Rosine, If you are in the U.S. or on Skype, I would love to talk to you on the telephone. I have lived in Israel in the 60's. My next novel will have a chapter there. Anyway I think it would be interesting to talk on the phone. So please, if you are interested, leave a phone number on my e-mail and a time that would be good for you. Today, Saturday, I have a busy schedule. But any time as of tomorrow would be good.
Sonia Meyer


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